A #WFH daily routine for your sanity
A #WFH daily routine for your sanity
APRIL 20, 2020
Amidst a new world of #WFH problems (what day is it again?), Covid-19 has turned the nation’s routine upside down - but together we are uniting to stay home, save lives and protect the NHS. While many are reevaluating the important of human connection, from a business perspective it has forced many entrepreneurs to adopt a lean business model to stay afloat - nudging previously reluctant business owners to allow employees to work from home, conduct meetings via online conference call or work flexible hours - it’s highlighted to many businesses how a lean approach and employee trust can be beneficial for efficiency and minimum expenditure wastage.
Of course this is a double-edged sword, as while working from home and flexible hours were a coveted scenario for previous 9-5’ers, it can feel only too much like they’ve been thrown in the deep end of solo working (freelancers around the world, you can feel smug now).
So here is our tried-and-tested #WFH daily routine to keep you motivated, connected and balanced.
7AM: Rise and shine
Wake up at your usual time - try not to sleep through your extra morning time.
7.15AM: This is your time
What would you normally do in the morning? Or what have you always wanted to have time to do? Take this time to do a HIIT workout, meditate, read a chapter from a book.
7.30AM: Shower and get dressed
It sounds obvious, but this is a crucial step. You need to separate your loungewear from your workwear. It’s fine to be comfortable, but designate yourself a WFH loungewear outfit that you only wear for work.
8AM: Pour yourself a cup of ambition
Goes without saying.
8.15AM: Housework
While working from home it’s deliciously tempting to do all your housework throughout the day, a load of washing here, a hoovered carpet there. Avoid this and instead, get 15 minutes done first thing in the morning - whatever will play on your mind the most.
8.30AM: Pack your lunch
It’s easy to end up spend all of your lunch break cooking a hot lunch - instead try to make your lunch in advance so you need only reheat it.
8.45AM: Commute to work
You’ve gained your precious time back from your daily commute with needing only walk a few steps to your desk at home, but by getting up at the same time in the morning as you normally would you’ve already seized the day.
8.50AM: Turn off distractions
Anyone else’s friends on furlough? Your Mum and Dad think that you working from home = 24/7 phone call availability? Set your boundaries - set your Whatsapp status to ‘At Work’ and let those calling you most know that you aren’t able to talk during work hours. This will help you to be more productive and to get less frustrated when your Dad persistently calls on Skype over your morning meeting.
9AM: Open the office
Even if you don’t have the space for a designated room, try and find a corner of your home in which you can create a workspace - ideally away from distractions (TV / housemates / family / washing machine). If you would normally listen to the radio at work, turn it on - emulate a real work environment. We recommend only listening to the news only twice a day (first thing in the morning and once in the evening).
11AM: Tea break
During a regular working day you’d probably offer to do a tea round for your colleagues for a chance to stretch your legs. Do the same at home, walk up and down the stairs or around your garden (if not possible, just do a jog on the spot) while the kettle boils and get some stretches in.
1PM: Lunch Break
Stop your work, take a break and go and eat lunch. If you’d normally eat lunch at your desk - this is now where you can break away from your usual work environment. Go and eat by a window or in your garden. Get some fresh air (where safe) and create a natural gap in your working day so you return to your desk refreshed. You could even squeeze in a HIIT workout - after all, your swanky new office has showers I hear?
2-5PM: Scheduled calls and meetings
Where possible, try to schedule your calls and meetings. This will make it easier to plan our your workload and budget your time. WFH can present a lot of distractions so you might not feel as productive - but this way you can clearly set time for yourself to get work done without the phone ringing.
5PM: Commute home
Five o’ clock already? Update your Whatsapp status to ‘Available’ and commute home - this is easily the most important step of the routine. Close down your computer, leave your ‘office’ and walk up and down the stairs a few times or into the garden and back - then get changed out of your workwear into your loungewear. Make sure that your home life doesn’t blur into work life by being clear that you have ended your working day.
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